Project Management

Project management workshop - Dubai 30 September 2024

Project management workshop - Dubai 30 September 2024

 :  25

Course Objectives:

  • Advanced understanding of the principles and fundamentals of project management.
  • Development of the necessary skills to effectively plan, execute, and monitor projects.
  • Learning strategies for contract management and cost evaluation.
  • Enhancing capabilities in risk management and problem-solving.
  • Acquiring leadership skills and effective communication within work teams.
  • Applying project management methodologies and tools according to international best practices.

Scientific Themes:

  • Day 1:

    Introduction to Project Management:

    • Introduction to basic concepts.
    • The importance of project management in achieving strategic goals.

    Project Lifecycle:

    • Different stages of the project.
    • Integration between stages.

    Project Planning:

    • Developing a project plan.
    • Defining objectives and deliverables.

    Contract Management:

    • Types of contracts.
    • Preparing and managing contracts.

    Price Review:

    • Evaluation strategies.
    • Cost-benefit analysis.

    Day 2:

    Project Execution:

    • Initiating project execution.
    • Managing daily operations.

    Resource Management:

    • Resource allocation.
    • Team management.

    Risk Management:

    • Identifying risks.
    • Mitigation strategies.

    Performance Monitoring and Evaluation:

    • Monitoring tools.
    • Data analysis.

    Change Management:

    • Handling changes.
    • Implementing adjustments effectively.

    Day 3:

    Leadership in Projects:

    • Different leadership styles.
    • Team motivation.

    Effective Communication:

    • Communication strategies.
    • Meeting management.

    Negotiation and Conflict Resolution:

    • Negotiation skills.
    • Conflict resolution strategies.

    Evaluation Criteria:

    • Closure steps.
    • Case studies.
    • Discussion of real-life examples.
    • Analyzing lessons learned.


Country: United Arab Emirates

Course Duration: 5 Days

Session Duration:
(5 hours) -
UAE Time

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